So much happens these days within just a couple of weeks! I am feeling MUCH better than I have been. Nausea is much less frequent and chocolate and I are back to being the pals we once were. For all of a week or so, I guess I was actually feeling like me again... just plain old Jessica! That didn't last long though. I'm into a new phase... the feeling phase!
I have been feeling "flutters" for the past couple of weeks but most people usually discount those as "gas." Weird gas, I would say. But yesterday was different. After eating a big lunch and then sitting at my desk, I felt almost as though my bladder was full but without the pain or pressure to pee. I began to realize that it was my uterus that was feeling stretched out. Then that stretchy feeling moved to the left, then back to the right. It is almost like when you rub your knuckles up against your opposite open hand. It happened again last night after Will and I walked to Cheesecake Factory for dinner (we are trying to walk more and we had a gift card to use-win, win, win). It was that same distinct stretching and moving feeling. Then it started again today around mid-morning. I have to say, it is truly amazing. I know I will tire of it eventually (and be sick of the kicking someday) but, for now, I love it! It makes this all seem so much more REAL and less in my head!!
We had our 16 week appointment last week. It was... uneventful! It is amazing how quickly those trips go now. Pee in a cup, take your blood pressure, feel around your belly, listen to the sweet swishing of Pip's heartbeat, ask any questions we might have... then, done. I asked many of my questions that came up after being at Suzanne's birth. Many of my concerns were alleviated. However, I did learn that my midwife doesn't seem all that keen on pursuing a "natural" childbirth. I guess I should have known that. She wasn't discouraging but she certainly doesn't have the same view of it as I do. Our definitions were even very different... for her, Suzanne's birth was "Natural" because Emily was delivered through a "natural" orifice. In any event, I still think she is going to be supportive of this decision. I think it was just a tad bit disappointing to come to this realization.
As always, my artsy husband was there to document the day... here it is in pictures :) Enjoy!

Here is me... pre-appt (with a little belly :))

The drill... blood pressure and doppler (peeing in a cup pictures tastefully withheld ;))

Jess, I love your baby pooch in the first picture and reading the adventures of PIP ;) (It's so much better than "the baby"). Is that a Pregnancy Binder I spy in your hand on the way to your appointment?? (So perfect!). Keep the updates reading them!!! Miss you girl...Love, Stancie
Your little pooch is so cute!!! I can't stand it!!! Love you!! XOXOXO
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