I guess growing every day is no surprise as I seem to be hungry ALL the time! I even wake up HUNGRY! It is silly for anyone to ever ask a pregnant woman in her second trimester, "are you hungry?" The answer will ALWAYS be yes!! We went to a birthday party this past weekend for a friend and I seriously camped out by the food table for hours. I couldn't stop! So, I am petrified to see what the scale says at my next appointment on Wednesday! I seriously feel like I have gained a ton of weight since my last appointment! The worst part is my underwear seems to be shrinking (that can be the only logical explanation!) I just don't get it!! As one of the chapters in my "Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy" says, if this baby is in my stomach, why is my butt so big?!? It is an interesting phenomenon. I guess I could feel a lot better about this weight gain if the growth were soley in my belly. Unfortunately, that just isn't the case right now! So, I fear the scale! I also fear the blood pressure cuff too... that could be interesting! Just when you think things might start to subside too, everything gets NUTTY all over again!
All in all, as I wrap up week 24, I have to say that I am truly loving being pregnant! I actually find myself thinking about how excited I am to do this all over again. I know, I know, I am probably putting the cart before the horse, so to speak but I am really enjoying things right now. The most exciting thing is that Pip has become much more active. At least I can FEEL more movement now than before. Some days is is fairly constant. Just two weeks ago, Will and laid in bed for a long while on Sunday morning just feeling Pip move around. It was a VERY active morning. It was also the first time that Will really felt any good flips or kicks. It was pretty exciting. Now, we can lie on the couch at night and watch my stomach bounce around. It is really crazy. Sometimes it is so hard to believe that there is a little person in there... a little person made up of me and Will! It is such an overwhelming and wonderful experience. I find it hard to describe. So, there you have it! My reflections on 24 weeks of this crazy rollercoaster.... I guess all I can say is that I feel really very blessed to even be on this ride in the first place!