Well, on May 30th, we finally got to THE BIG DAY--- Ultrasound day! We were so excited to see Pip moving around in there! I was particularly looking forward to it because I started to experience REALLY bad pains in my side just two days before we were scheduled for our ultrasound. I was actually quite worried by them. They were so painful that I could barely walk! I started to notice them in the evening and then woke up around 3AM in a ton of pain. Will woke up too and we debated for a long time about whether or not we should go to the ER. I thought they might be "round ligament stretching pains" which happen because your belly is starting to really grow (which mine CERTAINLY is!) and the ligaments that support your growing uterus begin to stretch and can be painful. The problem was that everything I read indicated that such pains really only lasted a second or two and were triggered when you moved. I seemed to have them even when I was lying in bed in a fairly neutral position. Eventually, I was able to fall asleep (on my side with a pillow between my legs) and then felt a bit better in the morning.
That afternoon, however, they came back so I called the nurses line. They assured me that it did, indeed, sound like round-ligament stretching and that I could try warm or cool compress and take some Tylenol to try and manage the pains. I wish I had known what to expect with these! I guess not every woman has them but these were really bad and they caused quite a bit of concern. I spent a lot of time trying to feel Pip just to make sure that our little bean was still moving around and happy in there!!
By the time our ultrasound appointment arrived, I was feeling quite a bit better and it was nothing but reassuring to finally really SEE Pip again. Will was not allowed to go in with me at first (something about how they needed to get the "official" pictures taken first for the doctor and THEN we could play... of course, Daddy wasn't very happy about this but he did very well!) My ultrasound tech was very nice. SHe immediately commented on how active our baby is (I told her that he/she takes after dad!!) She mentioned this several times so that is a little worrisome :) But she also said that really active babies often means that they will be strong and healthy babies, so that is a good thing! She also commented on the size of Pip's legs and arms! She said this baby is going to be very tall (wonder where that would come from?!?!) At first, Pip was turned head down and backside up, which made it difficult to get good pictures (this is also what made it so difficult to get the heartbeat last time!!) She tried to do a few things to get Pip to turn around but baby refused. At that point, she referred to Pip as stubborn (again, not sure WHERE that would come from!!) So, she had me run to the restroom to see if that would get Pip to move... sure enough, when she tried again, we could see Pip had turned around and was MUCH more photogenic :) Before she got Will, I could see Pip hanging out and sucking his/her thumb. It was so cute!!
When Will came in, we got to spend several minutes just watching Pip and she took a couple of really good shots. This ultrasound maching was MUCH clearer than the last one. We made sure to tell her right away that we had no interest in finding out the sex and she did a good job of keeping that from us.
Here are a couple of our favorites:

At one point, she also said, "Oh look! Your baby is giving you the peace sign" Will and I both looked at each other and told her it wasn't the "peace" sign, it was the USC Victory sign!! She tried to capture it but the picture didn't turn out so great. All in all, it was a very exciting day!
I am having trouble believing that I turn 24 weeks tomorrow. It just doesn't seem possible! I remember being 6 weeks and feeling like every week was taking an absolute eternity... now, I wish I could slow time down a bit because I feel to busy to truly ENJOY this process of being pregnant. It is so odd! There is a lot going on with the Parris clan right now, which contributes to the craziness, but I will have to save that for another post :)
Off to eat (again!)
1 comment:
CUUUUTE! I had very painful round ligament pain (the second pregnancy though, not the first) and it scared me enough to call..also a friend of mine who I think is 24 weeks also just had the same thing a few nights ago! I didn't even know about it until my second pregnancy, and I thought I had learned it all the first time!
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