She is doing so well... she poops a little more frequently (and therefore, in less quantity, which I am grateful for). We haven't been in for a weigh in in awhile, mainly because she is done going into the RSV clinic now. Looks like we made it through the season without any major sickness. Her last appointment was the 29th of February. That day really felt like we had come full circle. I was no longer headed into the clinic as a scared new mom with my tiny preemie baby. I realized that I feel so much more confident. Charlie has grown so much and seems to be learning something new everyday. I guess slowly but surely I am starting to feel like a NORMAL mom, not just a preemie mom. It is nice.
We did the usual waiting room thing and waited forever to get weighed and see the neonatologist before the big S-h-o-t (yes I spell it out, even though I know she doesn't really know what I am talking about). She weighed in at just about 13 pounds even. I guess we are OFICIALLY into 3-6 month old clothes :) Then the Dr. came in to see us. I was surprised to see that it was the same neonatologist that came in just before Charlie was born to tell me about what we could expect with a 28 weeker. I remember him being very calm that day and giving me lots of good information. He also made me feel so much more confident about little Pip's odds of survival at that time. When I saw him walk back through the door I felt like I was seeing an old friend (even though I am sure he didn't recognize me from Adam). When I told him how I remembered him he said that I was probably one of his last patients over at St. Joe's because he now only works at the clinc. He said he really enjoys that job because he has been doing this for over 20 years. He says that babies Charlie's size didn't used to do this well. He said he is just amazed at how well they do now days and that seeing them in the clinic is really encouraging to him. He then went on to say that Charlie looks GREAT. He said he was so pleased with her progress and that her lungs and airways sound amazing. He said that there is no reason to be terribly concerned anymore. It was so good to hear his take because it confirmed my blooming belief that I was a little more like a regular MOM now.. not JUST a preemie mom.
In terms of her development, I am amazed. She is in such a fun stage right now. She loves to chat with us (especially when she is on her changing table) and she LOVES her exersaucer (thanks to Angela and Carson for letting her borrow it!) She gets REALLY excited when she is in there. I think she feels like such a big girl. Rice cereal is also going well. She took to it pretty much the second day of trying. I swear she can't get enough. I have started to give it to her twice a day now. We will probably try real veggies in a few weeks. Last week, her development teacher did her 6 month assessment for the center. She will go in for a formal, three hour session in April (when she is actually 6 months adjusted age) but she did well on this first run through. She is pretty much able to sit alone (although still pretty tippy) and she can play peek-a-boo and find toys that have been partially hidden. She rolls from her tummy to her back (but not really the other way yet) and she puts a lot of weight on her feet when you try to stand her up. She is a lot of fun.
As always, I am way behind on pictures... we have to figure out a better system cause I never get my hands on the pictures that have been taken (and trust me, there is no shortage of them!) For now, I thought I would try to get caught up on stuff that I really wanted to post about a long time ago... like our awesome showers :)
The first shower we had was thrown by our friends, the Kings. They went with us on our "babymoon" to Hawaii (we had such a blast!! We want to go back... like now!) and then they threw us a Hawaiian themed couple's shower. It was so awesome and Jude made some sweet signs and candle holders that looked like outriggers. It was a great night, with great food and even a little hula dancing (thanks to our Wahine friend, Erin, who grew up hulaing) Here are some fun pics of the day. What a great time! The only thing that would have made it better is if our sweet girl had been with us.
And then my sister-in-law, Lisa, and our friends Marsha and Amy threw me a gorgeous shower... it was a little more traditional and girly but it was neat because my grandfather and Will were also there. The other thing that was super great about this shower is that Charlie was actually HOME for this one! It was the first time many of our friends got to see her in person. It is crazy how little she was then! It was a beautiful shower and an all-around great day!
1 comment:
Gosh... that feels like so long ago... Good times :) Let's go back to hawaii soon!
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